IBAN-Name Check API for Banks (VOP compliant)

This section describes the IBAN-Name Check API for Banks (VOP compliant) which is used by EU banks or other PSP's in the payments journey as a pre-payment beneficiary name validation.

About IBAN-Name Check API for Banks (VOP compliant)

The IBAN-Name Check API for Banks (VOP compliant), is a ready to use Verification of Payee solution for PSPs. The check provides instant feedback at a prepayment stage on the correctness of entered beneficiary details when making an online payment. This helps to prevent fraud and mistakes, thereby enabling increased trust and confidence in payments. This version has been updated to include the capability for existing connected banks to be able to make a VOP compliant request.


What's new?

  • The IBAN-Name Check API for Banks (VOP compliant) will be updated for VOP and will run next to our VOP Gateway API.
  • The intention of this API is to allow customers who currently use this IBAN-Name Check API for Banks (VOP compliant) to become compliant with the VOP Rulebook with minimal effort on their existing integrations.
  • Following this logic, this API will not support the optional fields as specified in the EPC VOP API specifications and the EPC VoP Rulebook. This API supports only the necessary fields to allow for VOP compliant requests.

How does it work?

The IBAN-Name Check API for Banks (VOP compliant) consists of an intelligent algorithm that can be easily integrated into the bank's online environment through the API described in this document. The flow of a check request goes as follow:

  1. The solution is connected to all the relevant VOP participants and can submit VOP requests and process VOP responses.
  2. After receiving a specified data set within the API request (from the payer), the solution will generate a VOP request, determine the VOP endpoint of the respective payee PSP and submit the VOP request. Note that the responding PSP could be within the SurePay ecosystem, or outside. In the first case, the response can contain additional data points on top of the fields as described in the VOP Scheme API.
  3. After receiving the VOP response, the solution will generate a response to the payer PSP, specified by this document, with all the relevant information.

It is up to the bank how best to implement the check in its online banking application, what the UX will look like, and what messages to show customers.

Surepay also offers additional services on top of our EPC Verification of Payee API:

  • Fraud Risk Indicator: Fraud Risk Indicator (FRI) is a solution on top of EPC Verification of Payee which provides additional data points; risk indicators that will help the bank to determine whether there’s an increased risk or a decreased risk of fraud.
  • Switching Information: Enables Banks to perform an additional check on the IBAN entered by the user to see if the payee has switched banks. Access needs to be requested separately and induce additional costs.

We wish you a smooth implementation! We always look to improve the implementation experience of our customers, so if you have any questions or feedback on the documentation or the process, please let us know at info@surepay.nl.


A visual representation of how the EPC Verification of Payee check works

Get started with the IBAN-Name Check API for Banks (VOP compliant)